Welcome to St. Peter's CE Primary, Heswall! We are an Ofsted-rated GOOD school (2024) and a GOOD in all areas (2023) SIAMS-rated school!


This area contains downloadable public files that will explain our key school policies.  Please feel free to download them for you to read.  

Our aim is to ensure that you have the ability to be fully up to date with the fundamental policy that establishes the core of our daily life here at school.  With the transparency of these files we continue our aim to be as involved as possible with the school and wider community. 

Here at St. Peter's we are a fully inclusive school. We have a zero tolerance policy towards racism, bullying, homophobia and disablism.  

2021 - 2022 Equality Objectives STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Accessibility policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Attendance Policy STATUTORY.docx.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Behaviour and Exclusion Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Biometric Data Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Charging Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Child Protection - Safeguarding Policy and Procedure STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Children with Health Needs who Cannot Attend School Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Complaints Policy & Procedure Statement STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Data Protection Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Early Career Teacher Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Equality & Diversity Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 EYFS Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 First Aid and Administration of Medicine Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Freedom of Information Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Governor Code of Conduct STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Governors Allowances Expenses Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Grievance Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Instrument of Government STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Management of Attendance Capability Policy and Procedure STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Management of Attendance Operational Guidance and Appendices STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Performance Appraisal Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Performance Capability Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Pupils with Medical Needs Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 School Privacy Notice Pupils STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Schools Privacy Notice School Workforce STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 SEND Information Report STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 SEND Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Staff Code of Conduct STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Staff Disciplinary Policy & Procedure STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Whole School Pay Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023-2024 Admission Policy STATUTORY.doc.pdf
2023-2024 Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Appendix STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023-2024 Code of Conduct Governing Body STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023-2024 Health Safety Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023-2024 Managing Allegations Against Staff Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023-2024 RSE policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023-2024 Whistleblowing Policy STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2024-2025 Admission Policy STATUTORY.doc.pdf
2025-2026 Admission Policy STATUTORY.doc.pdf
2023 - 2024 Adverse Weather Policy.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Anti Bullying Policy NON STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Child on child abuse NON STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Communications Policy NON STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Drug and Procedures Framework Policy.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 EAL policy.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Financial Policies Manual.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Flexible Working Policy.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Governor visits policy.doc.pdf
2023 - 2024 Home Visit Policy and Procedure Non Statutory.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Intimate Care Policy.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Leave of Absence Policy Procedure.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Lettings Policy.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Looked After Children Policy.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Management of Asbestos Policy.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Marking and Feedback Policy.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Menopause Policy.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Mobile Phone and Wearable Device Policy.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Parent Code of Conduct.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Paternity Leave Policy.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 RE Policy.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Safer Recruitment and Selection Policy Procedure NON STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 Safer Recruitment and Selection Policy Procedure NON STATUTORY.docx.pdf
2023 - 2024 School Uniform Policy NON-STATUTORY.docx-2.pdf
2023 -2024 Collective Worship Policy.docx.pdf
2023-2024 Bereavement Policy.docx.pdf
2023-2024 Dignity at Work Policy Procedure.docx.pdf
2023-2024 E-Safety and Online Learning Policy.docx.pdf
2023-2024 Lockdown policy.docx.pdf
2023-2024 Marking and Feedback Policy.pdf
2023-2024 Social Media Policy.docx.pdf