We are very proud to offer our support for Charles Thompson's Mission, a local homeless charity based in Birkenhead. This charity was chosen as we want to positively impact those in our local community, as well as allow our children to be advocates for change, improving the lives and opportunities of other children in God's world. We donate presents, gifts and aid each year to Charles Thompson’s Mission so that we can show love to those in our local area who are experiencing difficult and challenging times.
We want our children to show courageous advocacy through challenging injustice. Courageous advocacy and social action seek to move beyond ‘simple solutions ’to ask why and what can be done about it? As well as charitable endeavours for the Charles Thompson’s Mission, we have implemented opportunities for the children to ask why?
We seek to enable this deeper thinking through worships which focus on the Charles Thompson’s Mission and thematic afternoons focussing on our own key basic knowledge, the value of social action and the power of understanding.