Emma Birmingham – Staff Governor
Appointed by Elected by school staff
Term of Office - 1/10/2021 - 1/10/25
Declaration of Interest - none
I have worked at St Peter’s as the Early Years Lead for almost 10 years. My other roles include phonics and early reading leader as well as being an actve member of our senior leadership team. I am delighted to have been elected as staff governor, a role which I have held for the past 5 years.
My passion is Early Years and I am particularly interested in improving standards of how children learn through play. This is something that I strongly believe in. My personal pedagogy surrounding what ‘good education’ should look like stems from the belief that teaching is about finding the right key to unlock the learning of each individual child. This can only be achieved when expectations are high and the teacher has belief and faith in each and every child, regardless of ability or background.
I view myself as a lifelong learner, not only professionally but in furthering my own personal interests and pedagogy. I have three children and when I am not in work, I enjoy spending time with them and my husband exploring the outdoors, shopping and meeting up with friends.
Caroline Gavin - Foundation Governor
Declaration of Interest - None
I am excited to take up this new position as Local Authority Governor at St Peter’s School. My own children, who are now 12, 15, and 16, all attended St Peter’s so I am familiar with the school, staff, and its wider community.
While I will support in any way I can, I hope to offer specific support, and challenge, in the areas most aligned with my own skills and expertise, including wellbeing, performance, and strategic growth.
My background includes over 20 years of experience leading teams and delivering strategic growth within the corporate environment. More recently I have been running my own coaching and consultancy business, focusing on improved performance and wellbeing, empowering individuals, teams and organisations to be at their best.
While I work across a variety of sectors, I am passionate about making a positive impact in the health sector, and even more so, in schools and education. This is a key reason for me taking on the role of Governor at St Peter’s.
On a more personal note, I love travel, cooking and entertaining, walking, cycling and swimming. Our two dogs ensure I get out every day, come rain or shine! I’m also a volunteer swimming coach at Woodchurch Swimming Club, where our children also swim, and I regularly support 4th Heswall Sea Scouts, mostly with water-based activities.