At St Peter’s Primary School, we provide an effective and enjoyable teaching and learning environment, where children can flourish. We aim to promote the mental and physical health and well-being for our staff, parents and pupils.
Promoting good mental health and well-being is a priority for us to ensure that we can all reach our full potential. During uncertain times, our anxieties and fears can have a negative effect on our own well-being and on those around us.
Our Mental Health lead at school is Miss Collins.
Class-based Pastoral Support
Trained teachers and Senior Leaders provide support across the school as required. The majority of our PSHE curriculum is taught using 'myHappymind' which is an award winning program for schools & nurseries, families and organisations. It teaches preventative habits that support positive mental health, resilience and self esteem. All of the concepts taught are based on science and research and grounded in neuroscience and positive psychology.
School also provides a series of lessons with Flourish Tutoring (previously Thumbs Up) as part of our curriculum design that helps children to cope with different social and emotional scenarios, e-safety and transition into Year 7.
We also have ELSA-trained (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) staff, who specialise in promoting emotional literacy and offering support to children as required.
Other forms of pastoral support come through targeted interventions, such as Lego Therapy.
Through contact with the class teacher or SENCO, some children are identified as needing additional support for their mental health. In addition, the school engages with the mental health support team from the Local Authority and where more support is needed at home, the school uses a pastoral support service whereby home visits can be made to support families outside of school.
Below we have provided some useful links and resources (for adults and children) to ensure we receive the support and advice we need:
The Wirral Local Offer link below has links to a range of other supporting websites and answers many questions you may have.
Mental Health:
Other useful links:
Health Watch Wirral website can signpost you to a whole range of supportive services in the local area:
The Wirral Local Offer website can signpost you to a whole range of supportive services in the local area:
CAMHS have created a 24-hour support helpline:
0151 488 8453
0300 303 3972
The Wirral Path Finder’s Website has listed helpline numbers for local advice, information and support: