Welcome to our new website! Please have a good look around and find out what it is like to be at St Peters. Please contact the school office if you would like to visit.
Welcome to our new website! Please have a good look around and find out what it is like to be at St Peters. Please contact the school office if you would like to visit.
St Peter's C of E Primary School


In an attempt to remove all cash and cheques from school we ask all parents to only use our e-payment method to pay for dinner money, trips, music lessons etc. This can be done online using a very secure website called ParentPay.com
Already have a ParentPay account?
If you already have a ParentPay account, either with our school or another ParentPay school, you can simply login to that account and add your other children via the Add a child tab on your home page.
New to ParentPay?
You will be given a secure online account, activated using a unique activation username and password; you will be prompted to change these and to keep them safe and secure as your Username and Password for future logins. If you have two or more children at a ParentPay school, you only need to activate one account to create your ‘main account' and then add your other children via the Add a child tab on your home page.
Once your child or children have started at school, the school office will email you log in and username details.