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Welcome to our new website! Please have a good look around and find out what it is like to be at St Peters. Please contact the school office if you would like to visit.
St Peter's C of E Primary School

Collective Worship

St Peter’s CE (Aided) Primary School is committed to offering high quality collective worship. We recognise and value collective worship as central to fostering a sense of community and to expressing our Christian vision. The School family are helped to understand the meaning of Christian worship and we hope that believers will be able to share in it and that others of no faith will reach the 'threshold of worship'. In practice this means that structure, planning, evaluation, participation and collaboration of worship are all taken seriously by the school. 

The Church of England Vision for Education ‘Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good’ states: We want pupils to leave school with a rich experience and understanding of Christianity, and we are committed to offering them an encounter with Jesus Christ and with Christian faith and practice in a way that enhances their lives...Collective worship in schools, including prayer, reading and reflecting on the Bible, liturgy, sacrament and experience of the musical and other imaginative riches of Christianity, provide a vital opportunity for this. (p.10). 

At St Peter’s, collective worship is seen as the unique heartbeat of the school and is offered as part of a wider opportunity for pupils and adults to encounter faith by engaging in conversations about God, both as individuals and together. Worship is central to realising our vision: ‘Like St Peter, we build upon the rock of Jesus to enable us to shine: achieving our God given potential, and loving ourselves, others, the world and God.’

Worship is a time where we come together to learn about the ‘firm foundations’ and to celebrate by ‘shining bright’. 


The worship of the school is based on promoting the PETERS values;


These permeate the ethos of the school.  As such, Worship is an essential part of the school day and the contributions of staff, pupils, clergy and other visitors are valued highly.


Weekly programme for Collective Worship

Collective worship usually takes place at the end of the school day.  The following on-going daily pattern is usually followed;

MONDAY 3:00pm Whole school worship (Clergy Team) 

TUESDAY 3:00pm Whole school worship (Headteacher)

WEDNESDAY 3:00pm Come and Praise (Music Lead/SLT) 

THURSDAY 3:00pm Class worship (Class Teacher) or 3:00pm Worship (led by a class)

FRIDAY 2:45pm Celebration Assembly (SLT / Headteacher)

 Long-term approach to Collective Worship

Our collective worship schedule follows a hybrid approach, linking the Big Start Assemblies, our own PETERS values and key calendar dates across the year. Our Monday collective worship follows the Big Start long, medium and short term planning, and our class worship links to Picture News focusing on topical events for Key Stage 2 or stories from the bible for Key Stage 1. Class worship focuses on how we can live out our themes and values in our daily lives, both in and out of school. 

At the end of each term, the dates are organised for the weekly themes for the following term. The first collective worship and first afternoon of each half term are focussed on one of our PETERS values. This is a key aspect of the Christian distinctiveness of St Peters. 

Over a three year cycle, the Big Start assemblies reflect some of the essential features of the tradition of Anglican prayer and worship. They should nurture spiritual growth through the evolvement of senses, such as those of beauty, awe, wonder, pity, peace, greatness and smallness, and of feelings, such as pride, sadness, thankfulness, joy and happiness.

Pupils will be involved in worship as a School, as a key stage, as a class or as individuals through listening or taking part in contributing to the Act of Collective Worship.  Our daily Acts of Collective Worship reflect these spiritual dimensions.

The Rock
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